Class Barley
Welcome to Barley's Remote Education Zone
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
Colossians 3:12
Click on the images to visit our class blog and our Hall of Fame page.
Good morning,
Please find the remote education planning below. Click the links to access the all your work. All the tasks are on one document, where you can find links to resources.
Take care everyone and God bless,
Miss Peel
Snow Day Closure: Tuesday 7th January 2025
This week in school we are celebrating 'Epiphany.' Select the image below to find out more about this Christian Festival':
Please find the attached home learning for today and click the link below.
Tuesday 7th January 2025 Barley Remote Learning (click to open)
Look at this fantastic numberwork sent in yesterday! Superb problem solving.
Snow Day Closure: Monday 6th January 2025
Please find the attached home learning for today. You can send in pictures of your learning or bring in any work you have completed later this week. Take care everyone and Happy New Year.
Miss Peel
Monday 6th January 2025 Barley Remote Learning (click to open)
Previous years
Snow Day Closure: Friday 10th March 2023
Please find the attached home learning for today. You can send in pictures of your learning or bring in any work you have completed on Monday. Take care everyone!
Miss Peel
Friday 10th March 2023 Barley Remote Learning (click to open)
W.C 24.05.21
Friday 28th May Remote Learning (click to open)
Thursday 27th May Remote Learning (click to open)
Wednesday 26th May Remote Learning (click to open)
W.C 01.03.21
Friday 5th March Remote Learning (click to open)
Thursday 4th March Remote Learning- WORLD BOOK DAY! (click to open)
Wednesday 3rd March Remote Learning (click to open)
Tuesday 2nd March Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 2.3.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 2.3.21
Monday 1st March Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 1.3.21
W.C 22.02.21
Friday 26th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Maths 3d nets PowerPoint 26.2.21
hursday 25th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Wednesday 24th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Tuesday 23rd February Remote Learning (click to open)
Monday 22nd February Remote Learning (click to open)
Class Barley maths PowerPoint 22.2.21
W.C 08.02.21
Friday 12th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 12.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 12.2.21
Thursday 11th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 11.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 11.2.21
Wednesday 10th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Tuesday 9th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Barley Maths PowerPoint 9.2.21
Monday 8th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 8.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 8.2.21
W.C 01.02.21
Friday 5th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Thursday 4th February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 4.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 4.2.21
Wednesday 3rd February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 3.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 3.2.21
Tuesday 2nd February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 2.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 2.2.21
Science PowerPoint lesson 2.2.21
Monday 1st February Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 1.2.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 1.2.21
W.C 25.01.21
Friday 29th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 29.1.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 29.1.21
Thursday 28th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 28.1.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 28.1.21
Wednesday 27th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 27.1.21
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 27.1.21
Tuesday 26th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Monday 25th January Remote Learning (click to open)
W.C 18.01.21
Friday 22nd January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 2 maths PowerPoint 22.01.21
Thursday 21st January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 2 Maths PowerPoint 21.01.21
Wednesday 20th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 Maths PowerPoint 20.01.21
Year 2 Maths PowerPoint 20.01.21
Tuesday 19th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 Maths PowerPoint 19.01.21
Year 2 Maths PowerPoint 19.01.21
Science teaching slides 19.01.21
Monday 18th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Year 1 maths PowerPoint 18.01.21
RE lesson story 18.01.21 (click image and wait for download)
W.C 11.01.21
Friday 15th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Thursday 14th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Thursday 14th English lesson video task (click and wait for download)
Wednesday 13th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Tuesday 12th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Monday 11th January Remote Learning (click to open)
W.C 04.01.21
Friday 8th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Thursday 7th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Wednesday 6th January Remote Learning (click to open)
Tuesday 5th January Home Learning (click to open)
UPDATE 16.11.20 - A message from Miss Peel
Hello everybody,
As from Tuesday 17th Novemeber, I will be providing home learning tasks for Class Barley instead of our online learning platform Oak Academy. Please find the links below with the planning for the week. This has also been emailed to you. Please continue to practise your key spellings and use the website links on the timetable sheet to support your learning. I hope that you are all keeping safe during this isolation period and I can't wait to see you all back in class on Monday.
Take care and God bless,
Miss Peel
Home learning w.c 16.11.20
Tuesday's home learning planning
Wednesday's home learning planning
Thursday's home learning planning
Thursday's Worship Presentation
Friday's home learning planning
If our bubble (or school) closes, your child will bring home their blue, home learning book. All home learning must be completed daily in this book, using pencil, and will be returned to school when the bubble reopens. Inside the book you will find the following:
1. Passwords for: Purple Mash, Education City and TT Rockstars
2. Instructions on how to access Oak Academy for some lessons
3. A daily timetable
4. A handwriting sheet
Remember, you can email me at if you need help, want to ask a question or want to send pictures of your work or activites.
Take care and God bless,
Miss Peel
Lockdown Emergency Work
Click the links below to access the work for the first two days.
This term, we are focusing on the artist and sculptor Claes Oldenburg. Here are some home learning tasks to complete:
1.Construct your own sculpture using clay or play dough. Make different shapes by cutting, pinching, rolling and coiling.
2. Research Claes Oldenburg and create a portfolio on his work.
3. Create a 3d model based on your favourite Claes Oldenburg artwork or sculpture. Here are some ideas:
Pizza collage Paper mache cones Cake model
Here is a link to a video where you can see some of his famous sculptures. They look amazing!
Let's get moving!
The recommended amount of physical activity for children aged 5-18 is 60 minutes a day.
Try to take part in challenges against the clock, yourself or challenge a parent or sibling. You can try to beat your own scores and record your personal best! But don’t forget the importance of play. Playing simple games and using our imagination is also important. Games like hide and seek and musical bumps are fun and will also help keep us happy, healthy and active.
Here are some physical activites that you could complete at home:
Have a look on this webiste for more ideas:
Last year's learning (2019-20)
W.C 13.07.2020
Here are this weeks Fluent in 5 documents for you to complete daily.
Year 1 Fluent in 5: Week 34 Year 2 Fluent in 5: Week 34
National Curriculum spelling lists for Year 1 (pages 2-7) and Year 2 (pages 7-10)
Friday 17th July 2020
Good morning everybody. Well...the final day of the school year has arrived and what a year it has been! Firstly, I'd like to say how proud I am of you all. You have worked incredibly hard over the year, in school and throughout the period of lockdown, where you have been continuing your learning from home. It has been a privilege to teach you all this year and I am very sorry that we couldn't share our last days together in Class Barley, but we will all celebrate when you arrive back in September.
Enjoy your summer holidays and I can't wait to see you all soon!
Take care and God bless you all.
Miss Peel
Year 1 maths Counting in coins recap
Year 2 maths SATS test (arithmetic)
Thursday 16th July 2020
Time Capsule Activity Sheet (English)
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse reading comprehension
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Year 2 maths Number Plave Value Recap 1
Monday 13th July 2020
Good morning everyone. Please see today's timetable for your home learning. Remember, this week's Fluent in 5 document is at the top of the page along with the spelling lists. The timetable has the links that you will need to access the BBC lessons for today's tasks. As this is our final week before the summer holiday, you will have a variety of PSHE tasks based on reflection and transitioning into your new year group. Watch this space for a special video from your new teacher too!
Have a great week!
Miss Peel
Friday 10th July 2020
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 10
Thursday 9th July 2020
Good morning everyone. Please see today's timetable for your home learning. I have attatched some additional poems for you to read, should you wish to use these during your reading time.
Year 2 maths- Fractions Lesson 9
English resource: Story Planning Template
Additional poem- Firework Night by Enid Blyton
Additional poem: The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 8
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 8
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 7
Monday 6th July 2020
Good morning everyone. Please see today's timetable for your home learning. Remember, this week's Fluent in 5 document is at the top of the page along with the spelling lists. The timetable has the links that you will need to access the BBC lessons for today's tasks and there is a 'Local Area' activity sheet below for you to complete your geography task.
Local Area activity sheet (geography task)
Friday 3rd July 2020
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 7
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 6
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 6
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 5
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Good morning everyone! I cannot believe that it is the 1st of July today! Where has the time gone? I am so proud of you all for continuing to keep up with the home learning. Here are your tasks for today.
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 5
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 4
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Good morning everyone, please see the timetable for today's tasks. As teachers are back in school, I have now planned our English for the entire week to make this more managable. I have uploaded as a PDF document so that it is accessible on all devices. Please email me if you have any questions.
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 4
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 3
Monday 29th June 2020
Good morning to you all. Please see today's timetable for your home learning. Remember, this week's Fluent in 5 document is at the top of the page along with the spelling lists. The timetable has the links that you will need to access the BBC lessons for today's maths and English and there is a factfile template below for you to complete your history task.
History: Mary Seacole fact file
Friday 26th June 2020
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 3
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 2
Thursday 25th June 2020
Year 1 English warm up 2 then complete Year 1 Grammar test number 2
Year 2 English warm up 2 then complete Year 2 Grammar test number 2
Year 1 maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 2
Year 2 maths Fractions Lesson 1
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Year 1 Warm up English activity 1 then complete Year 1 Grammar test
Year 2 Warm up English activity 1 then complete Year 2 Grammar test
Year 1 Maths Addition Subtraction Lesson 1
Year 2 Maths Multiplication Division Lesson 6
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Good morning everyone. This week's focus in English will be on grammar. I will send a daily activity for you to complete at home. When you have completed, please ask your parents to mark your work with you so that you can talk about the correct grammar used.
Today's task will recap the homophones- there, their and they're. There is a short Powerpoint presentation to read through as well as a short online video with activities to play. Click on the weblink here to watch the clip.
Year 2 Maths Multiplication Division Lesson 5