Special Educational Needs at St. Philip’s C of E Primary School

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Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs K Davis.  Our SEN Governor is Miss Sheila Spencer. 


Children who have been identified as having special needs fall into several categories; these are children whose needs are “different from and additional to those which can be addressed through normal classroom differentiation.” Mrs Davis and Miss Moulden ensure that provision is made for all children who are identified as having special educational needs. A record of these children is kept by the school and it is reviewed and updated at least 4 times a year.

We aim to identify pupils of all ability who are underachieving at the earliest opportunity. This is done by a number of in-school assessment and review methods but parental concerns about their child’s progress will always be taken into consideration. Often, their needs can be met through differentiation and intervention programmes. However, it is sometimes necessary to make additional provision through a Pupil Overview of provision (POP) and, at this point, additional records are kept. Parents are informed before any such action is taken and consulted at regular intervals thereafter to review progress.

All children are given full access to the National Curriculum and are included and encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities, whatever their additional needs. Further details of the procedures are set out in the school’s Special Educational Needs Policy (SEND Policy). 

Mrs Davis and Miss Moulden are happy to discuss any issues raised; if you would like to meet with either of them, please contact school.


Useful Special Educational Needs links for Parents and teachers

DfE SEND guide for parents and carers

Lancashire Local Offer

Lancashire Local Offer Facebook Page

National Association of Special Educational Needs

Down Syndrome Education International

The National Autistic Society

Afasic England - Unlocking Speech and Language

Scottish Autism

The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Strategic Action Plan for Wales

Autism Independent UK

Autism Initiatives UK

NHS Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Ambitious About Autism

UK Autism Foundation

Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists

Share Ideas for Speech and Language Therapy

Department for Education Special Educational Needs (SEN)

I CAN Helps Children Communicate

NAPLIC - Seech Language and Communication Needs

Ireland National Council for Special Education

Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education

Special Education Support Service

Free Special Needs Teaching Resources

Middletown Centre for Autism

Irish Learning Support Association

Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice

Down Syndrome Centre

ICEP Europe (Institute of Child Education and Psychology Europe)

Lancashire Education Psychology Service

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Nelson St Philip's CE Primary School

Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 9TQ

School Bursar

T: 01282 614463


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