Barley 2024 - 2025
Miss Peel
Welcome to Class Barley
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
Colossians 3:12
We are a mixed Year 1 and Year 2 class. Our class teacher is Miss Peel and we are supported by Mrs Variyam, Mrs Kinsella (AM) and Mrs Shah (PM) . Although we are a mixed year class, English and maths are taught in single year groups.
Key Information
PE: Class Barley's PE days are on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Your child is able to come to school on their PE day wearing their PE kit.
Please also ensure your child does not wear any jewellery to school due to health and safety issues.
Reading: Every child will read to an adult each week during their guided reading sessions. In addition, home reading books will be sent home with your child, which match the RWI book and the sounds that they are learning in class. These will be kept for a number of days to help develop both fluency and comprehension in their reading. Please see below:
- Sound blending books - changed as and when set one sounds are learnt and your child can orally blend
- Ditties - daily paper ditties are sent home
- Red Ditties - changed every three days (two books)
- Green, Purple, Pink & Orange Books - changed every four days (two books)
- Yellow, Blue and Grey books - changed every four days (two/three books)
If your child is on gold, white or lime book band, their books will be changed as and when needed, throughout the week. Please ensure that you sign and date your child's reading record. We ask that you listen to your child read daily, for at least 10 minutes, in order to build fluency and develop comprehension.
Library: Our library sessions take place on a Friday. Please ensure that your child brings in their library book if they would like it to be changed. Any lost books will be charged at £5 per book.
Polite reminder: Please inform the school office if you change your email address so that we can update this on our system. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and I will be happy to help. Alternatively, you can call the school office to book an appointment or visit.
11th and 13th December 2024
Christmas Performance
This week we did two performances of our Christmas show. The children in Class Barley were innkeepers and they sung beautifully to all the parents and family members who came to watch. Amazing effort everyone! I was so proud of you all, I had tears in my eyes!
11th November 2024
Remembrance Service
We held our Remembrance Service in school on 11th November. It was a special time where we reflected together to show our respect to those who fought and died in the war, and to those who continue to serve our country. After our school service, we spent time exploring artefacts and creating poppy artwork. The children were able to try on a soldier's uniform. We couldn't believe how heavy it was!
November 2023
A fieldwork trip to Walverden Park
Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a fieldwork trip to Walverden Park in November. We explored human and physical features in our local environment and followed a map so we could find our way. We were lucky enough to squeeze in a quick visit to the park too. What a fantastic afternoon!
To have a look at all of our photographs, click on our gallery photos at the bottom of this page.
Year 2 Science 12th October 2023
Year 2 have been learning about the importance of keeping our minds and bodies healthy in science. We set up an investigation to explore the changes in our bodies after exercise. What a fun work out!
Design Technology Autumn 1 2023-24
Class Barley have been working hard to design, create and evaluate their own loom boxes this half term. We explored different techniques such as threading, weaving and plaiting before designing and creating our final product. The finished loom boxes will be displayed for you all to see in our end of year art gallery!