Pendle 2024 - 2025
Mrs Swire
Let all that you do, be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
All about Class Pendle:
This year, in our mixed EYFS/Year 1 class we have 20 Reception children and 10 Year 1 children.
All about the staff:
Our teacher is Mrs Swire and we are supported by Mrs Romanska and Miss Ogden.
Mr Bowie will teach Year 1 Maths, and PE for Year 1 and EYFS.
We have five reading teachers: Mrs Romanska, Mrs Mahmood, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Swire and Mrs Hanif. We work in ability groups for phonics and our reading teacher changes each half term.
Key Information:
PE: Year 1 have PE on Monday and Tuesday. Year 1 children come to school in their PE Kit on these days. EYFS have PE on Tuesday. They get changed for PE in school.
Reading: Our reading books link in with our phonics groups. The frequency of when your child's book is changed depends on which group your child is in:
- Set 1 letters - a book and a daily letter sheet linked to the sound learnt that day
- Sound blending books - as and when set one sounds are learnt and your child can orally blend
- Ditties - daily paper ditties are sent home
- Red Ditties - every three days (two books)
- Green, Purple, Pink & Orange Books - every four days (two books)
- Yellow, Blue and Grey books - every four days (two/three books)
Library: Library day is Monday.
Outdoor Provision: We have free-flow access to out outdoor area and it is used in all weather types. It is essential that your child comes to school in a coat every day (even if it is sunny in the morning). We recommend that you send in a pair of wellies for your child to wear outdoors on rainy days. These will live on our wellie rack outside.
Come and have a look at some of the things we get up to in class...
Christmas Fun 2024
Here is a little snippet of some of our events over the festive period. Our highlight was the visit from Santa.
A special gift!
After one of our families had attended our cook and share events, they bought Class Pendle their very own airfryer. What a wonderful and very generous gift. We can't wait to use it to make even more new types of food in the future.
Cook and Share November
As part of our Food For Life currculum, Class Pendle took part in Cook and Share November. Each week we had a different focus and we enjoyed cooking/baking new things. We made garlic pinwheels and butternut squash soup in week one, sticky, gooey marshmallow crispies in week 2 and a full meal of carrot, spinach and lentil ragu with spaghetti and cheese seved with air fryer foccacia bread. We also enjoyed inviting our grown ups in to school to taste it all with us. Here are a few pictures of the fabulous cooking that took place. You can see more HERE in our gallery.
Birdhouses 20th November 2024
As we have been learning about seasonal changes, we decided to make some bird feeders to help the birds throughout winter when food is scarce. We enjoyed using the glue gun and were very careful, showing excellent behaviour and listening skills.
We have been learning about our bodies in Science this week - this was so much fun.
Autumn Leaf Maths
We got 100% attendance! We are so proud of ourselves AND we get a non-uniform day too!
Look at our beautful garden. We have all worked very hard to make it look like this. We are excited to try the peapods!
Snack Time
On Thursdays we have toast for snack. This week we have started learning to butter the toast by ourselves. It was tricky but great fun.
Marvellous Maths
Here is a snap shot of some of the maths tasks we have enjoyed this year:
Understanding the World - Stories Jesus Heard
In RE, we enjoyed listening to a range of stories from the Old Testament in the Bible. The stories we learned were: Noah's Ark, Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jonah and the Whale and Joseph and his coat of many colours.
Pop to the gallery here to see more photos.
Fun in the Snow - January 2023
What better time to learn about ice than when it is freezing cold outside? This week, we have enjoyed spending time investigating frozen water, building snowmen, sledging and even taking part in a mini snowball fight.
Click here to see more photos in our gallery.
Going, going, gone...
Day 1, day 2, day 3...
Art & Design Year 1 ~ Sculptures
This half term (Spring 1), Year 1 have been looking at 3D art and have created work using clay, junk modelling and newspaper. Their final outcome is a large 3D spider sculpture inspired by Louise Bourgeois' 'Maman' spider sculpture (1999).
Click here to go to our gallery.
Literacy - The Tale of Jack Frost
The children were amazing when retelling and innovating the story of the week.
Understanding the World: People, Culture and Communities ~ Chinese New Year
23rd January 2023
This week we have been learning all about the Chinese New Year. We turned our home corner into a Chinese restaurant, tasted some new types of food, learnt about Chinese numbers and created our very own Dragon dance.
Click here to go to our photo gallery.
Expressive Arts and Design ~ Drawing: Marvellous Marks
Spring Term 1 2023
The children in EYFS have been exploring mark making using different media. Below they are using chalk. They wanted to go outside but it would not stop raining!
Here they are using felt-pens:
Christmas Party Time!
From pantomimes to parties - we have enjoyed celebrating all things Christmas!
Click here to see our Christmas gallery.
Research in Geography 30th November 2022
The Year 1 children have been carrying out some research today.They were set a challenge to find out which animals lived in Antartica.
Children in Need 18th November 2022
We had a wonderful day dressed in our pyjamas and learning about the children our money will be helping. Click to see more photos.
EAD - Autumn loose parts portraits 13th October 2022
Look at these fabulous pieces of art!
Harvest 2022
A big thank you to all the children who brought food donations into school this week.
We have had a wonderful week learning all about Harvest and it was wrapped up with a lovely service at church (Years 1-6), or a service in the school hall (Reception children). Have a look in our photo gallery to see all the wonderful things we have been doing over the week: Growing our own Making our own bread
Our Year 1 children were thinking about things they were thankful for. They wrote these wonderful prayers this week. You can see the rest in our picture gallery.
Operation clean up!
Today, the children in Class Pendle helped the grown-ups to clean our very dirty gardening cage and trolley. What super helpers they were and what a super job they did!
Parachute fun! 4.10.2022
The reception children had great fun this week whilst using the parachute. See our gallery for more photos.
28th September 2022
Today year 1 worked super hard when exploring mechanisms in DT. Visit our gallery to see more photos.
26th September 2022
The children in reception enjoyed exploring paints using their fingers today. They made some super creations. Check them out in our gallery.
September 2022
Welcome to Class Pendle!
May I take this opportunity to welcome all our new children and parents to our wonderful little school. I am so happy to be back in Class Pendle and cannot wait to see everyone learn and grow over the coming school year.
We have had two super transition weeks, where the reception children have been slowly introduced to some of our school routines and we are all now ready to start our full time curriculum.
Our Year 1 children have been in full time and I am super proud of how well they are adapting to the Year 1 curriculum. They have all been working very hard and trying their best in all lessons.
I am currently completing the Government Baseline assessments on our new reception children and will soon commence a WellComm assessment on all the children in Pendle. We will use this to support the planning of Communication and Language tasks.
We will start our Read Write Inc phonics and Numberland Maths sessions next week (week commencing 20th September) and I will keep you up to date with the children's progress via email. Year 1's have already started their phonics and maths journey.
Please check your emails regularly, especially for phonics videos to support the learning that takes place each day.
If you need to talk to an adult, our door is always open and you can also email me at
Thank you for visiting our webpage!
Mrs Swire
Here's a sneak peak at our indoor environment: