Marsden 2024 - 2025
Miss Ahmed
Year 3/4 Teacher
Welcome to Class Marsden 2024-2025!
This year, our class is made up of 20 Year 3 children and 10 Year 4 children. We are taught by Mrs Barnes and are supported by Mrs Hanif, Miss Amber and Mrs Hales.
Our school curriculum is very exciting, and each half term we aim to share some of our learning with you on our class page. Just scroll down the page to see more.
More information to follow soon!
Key Information
Physical Education: We have a one hour swimming lesson every Tuesday morning at Pendle Wavelengths. We leave school at 8:45am prompt to ensure that we can safely walk to to Wavelengths and that the children have sufficient time to change. Our swimming lessons begin at 9am and are for one hour. Please note if your child arrives after the lesson has started, Wavelengths reserve the right to resuse entry to the pool.
We also have a one hour PE lesson each Friday afternoon with Mr Bowie. Children may come to school in their kit on PE days.
Reading Books: Our reading book changing days are: Mondays and Fridays. If your child has read at home and their reading record book is signed, they will receive a new book if they have placed it in the 'Books that need changing' basket in class. Please ensure they bring their reading book to school everyday.
'Little and often' is best to ensure that your child progresses well with reading. Try to read a little every day. This could be a home reader or library book.
Library: Our library day is Wednesday
Polite reminder: Please inform the school office if you change your email address so that we can update this on our system. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and I will be happy to help. Alternatively, you can call the school office to book an appointment or visit.
Year Four Multiplication Check
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2024/24 academic year. Please follow the link below to find out more about the year four multiplication check. If you need further guidance, please come and see Mrs Barnes.
Year four multiplication check
Some websites below to help with your times tables!
Children in need day 2022
We had a relaxing and cosy day in our pyjamas to raise money for children in need.
Remembrance Day 2022
We used poinitlism technique to decorate poppies.
Friday 10th March 2023 - Home Learning
Year 4 - Factors
Year 3 - Division as repeated subtraction.
Write a diary entry from Oliver to his family informing them of the disaster that struck and how he has landed on Luna Land.
Research famous landmarks in Italy.
CLICK HERE for the home learning powerpoint for today.
If you have any queries or questions, please send me an email to