Class Marsden
Snow Day Tuesday 7th January 2025
Good morning everyone,
Please find below today's home learning. Please send any work to me my Class Dojo (pictures), or via email.
My address is
Stay safe and see you soon,
Mrs Barnes
This week in school we are celebrating 'Epiphany.' Select the image below to find out more about this Christian Festival':
Other useful websites:
Snow Day 6th January 2025
Hello everyone, I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Please find below some work for you to complete at home so that you can continue to learn. Work can be completed on paper or on the computer.
Please send me any pictures of you playing in the snow. My email is:
Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all soon,
Mrs Barnes
Listen to the poem 'Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat'. Create a map of the poem by drawing pictures. Can you choose part of the poem to learn and perform?
New Year Reading Comprehension
Other useful website links:
Welcome to Class Marsden's Remote Education Zone 2020 - 2021
'I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you'.
Psalm 32:8
Please use the quick links below to get to (in numerical order):
1. Worship at home, 2. PE at home, 3. Hall of Fame, 4. Class blog, 5. Phonics/Stories, 6. TT Rockstars, 7. French Songs, 8. How to..., 9. Wake & Shake
Monday 27th June 2022
Monday 28th March 2022
Geography Revision
Monday 7th February 2022
English - Performance Poetry
Monday 31st January 2022
Monday 17th January 2022
Science: Learn about the skeleton.
Friday 12th November 2021
English: Watch the story of Puss in Boots.
Wednesday 10th November 2021
Thursday 23rd September 2021
English Task Thursday 23.9.2021
Reading Task Thursday 23.9.2021
Maths Tasks 23.9.2021 27.9.2021
French Lesson:
RE Lesson:
Friday 24th September 2021
English Task 1 Friday 24.9.2021
English Task 2 Friday 24.9.2021
History Greek Gods Factfile (To read)
Monday 25th September 2021
Friday 28th May 2021
Class Marsden, here is your work for the last day of the school term. I will be ready and waiting on Purple Mash for your emails later today. I hope you have a wonderful half term everyone. Next week, try to spend ten minutes each day on TT Rock Stars to improve your speed/rank and try to read something everyday.
Remote Learning Booklet 28.5.2021
Remote Education Booklet Group 2
Thursday 27th May 2021
Remote Education Booklet 27.05.2021
Remote Education Booklet Group 2 27.5.2021
RE Story
Wednesday 26th May 2021
Dear Class Marsden
Today our class bubble closed and so we will be working from home for the rest of this week. I want you to complete the tasks I sent you home with today, including reading your home reading book and then I will email your grown-ups with work for the afternoon and then each day for work on Thursday and Friday this week. I will also put the work on this webpage each morning at 9 o'clock. Just like last time, ask your grown-ups to take a photo of the work you complete so they can email it to me and I can mark it.
Try to complete the tasks I set - you have just two days of this half term left!
Your tasks for today's science lesson can be found just below this message.
Thank you and work hard!
Mrs Swire
Science work for today:
Watch the following videos:
Task 1: create a diagram of the life cycle of a plant with pictures and labels. You can use this template to help you or create your own.
Task 2: Explain in your own words how seeds are dispersed and why this is so important. You can learn more about seed dispersal below:
Friday 5th March 2021
Remote Education 5.3.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Thursday 4th March 2021 World Book Day
Remote Education 4.3.2021 (Click to open)
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Remote Education 3.3.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Michael Rosen Live @ 11am Click the picture to go to the link just before 11am today.
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Remote Education 2.3.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Group 2:
Monday 1st March 2021
Remote Education 1.3.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Friday 26th February 2021
Remote Education 26.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Thursday 25th February 2021
Remote Education 25.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English: Today, I only want you to watch from 25:05 to the bridge scene (up to 35 minutes). Thank you.
Maths 1:
Maths 2:
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Remote Education 24.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English: This is the full video from 1939. Today, I only want you to watch the opening of the video so stop playing at 25.05. Thank you.
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Remote Education 23.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths 1:
Maths 2:
Monday 22nd February 2021
Remote Education 22.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English Magic Carpet Ride:
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Friday 12th February 2021
Remote Education 12.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Thursday 11th February 2021
Remote Education 11.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths 1
Maths 2
Teaching Clock:
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Remote Education 10.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Maths support:
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Remote Education 9.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Group 1
Maths Group 2
Monday 8th February 2021
Remote Education 8.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Group 1:
Maths Group 2:
Friday 5th February 2021
Remote Education 5.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Spellings Year 3/4: Spellings Year4
English Group 1:
Maths Group 1:
Thursday 4th February 2021
Remote Education 4.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English Group 1:
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Remote Education 3.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English Group 1:
Extra English Support:
Maths Group 2:
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Remote Education 2.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English Group 1:
English Group 2:
Monday 1st February 2021
Remote Education 1.2.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English Lesson:
Maths Lesson:
Additional Maths support:
Days of the week song:
Friday 29th January 2021
Remote Education 29.1.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
Maths Lesson Group 1:
Year 3 Spelling Test:
RE Videos:
Thursday 28th January 2021
Remote Education 28.1.2021 (Click to open)
All individual remote learning booklets have been emailed
English Lesson Group 1:
English Lesson Group 2:
Maths Lesson:
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Remote Education 27.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 27.1.2021 (Click to open)
English Text (Click here to open)
Grammar Lesson:
Maths Lesson:
Guided Reading:
Art Lesson: (Youtube link)
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Remote Education 26.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 26.1.2021 (Click to open)
English Lesson:
English Lesson group 2:
Maths Lesson:
Monday 25th January 2021
Remote Education 25.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 25.1.2021 (Click to open)
English Lesson:
maths Lesson:
English Group 2:
History Lessons:
Friday 22nd January 2021
Remote Education 22.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 22.1.2021 (Click to open)
Year 4: Spelling dictation
English Lesson:
Maths Lesson:
Maths Group 2:
Music Lesson:
Thursday 21st January 2021
Remote Education 21.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 21.1.2021 (Click to open)
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Remote Education 20.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 20.1.2021 (Click to open)
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Remote Education 19.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 19.1.2021 (Click to open)
Monday 18th January 2021
Remote Education 18.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 18.1.21 (Click to open)
English stories in sequence:
Friday 15th January 2021
Remote Education 15.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 15.1.2021 (Click to open)
All video links can be found below:
Thursday 14th January 2021
Remote Education 14.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 14.1.2021 (Click to open)
Year 3 Spellings - click the link to go to BBC Bitesize
How to... use representations to support addition
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Remote Education 13.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 13.1.2021 (Click to open)
English story part 3 (Click to open)
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Remote Education 12.1.2021 (Click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 12.1.2021 (Click to open)
English story part 2 (Click to open)
How to...Represent numbers using Base 10
Monday 11th January 2021
Remote Education Main Group 11.1.2021 (click to open)
Remote Education Small Group 11.1.2021 (Click to open)
English story opener (Click to open)
How to.... Find a fraction of an amount
Video links for small group - see below (Click to open)
Friday 8th January 2021
Remote Education 8.1.2021 (click to open)
Middle Stone Age BBC Learning clip (will open in a new window in You Tube when clicked)
New Stone Age BBC Learning clip (will open in a new window in You Tube when clicked)
Thursday 7th January 2021
Remote Education 7.1.2021 (Click to open)
Monday 4th January 2021
Class Marsden, we have once again found ourself in a nationwide lockdown, which means I need you to continue your learning at home.
Please scroll a short way down this page to find a section called Lockdown Emergency Work. Here you will find resources for the first two days of lockdown (Tuesday and Wednesday). Scroll a little further and you will find some art and PE tasks too
You already have your green home learning books with you, so please complete all of your learning in there (see also the links below). Inside the book you will also find the following:
1. Passwords for: Purple Mash, Education City and TT Rockstars
2. Instructions on how to access Oak Academy for some lessons
3. A daily timetable
4. A handwriting sheet
Remember, you can email me at if you need help, want to ask a question or want to send pictures of your work or activities.
I will be in touch EVERY DAY!
Take Care!
Mrs Swire
Lockdown Emergency Work
Click the links below to access the work as indicated on the timetable, which is found in your green home learning book.
Ideas to help your child learn their spellings
Fluent in Five Group 1 (Year 2 level)
Fluent in Five Group 2 (Year 3 level)
Fluent in Five Group 3 (Year 4 level)
English Short Story (Video link)
Last half term in art we were learning about the famous artist Andy Warhol. Here are some home learning tasks to complete:
1. Carry out further research on Andy Warhol and create a factifile about him.
2. Create your own repeating pop art (see the ideas below)
3. Create your own design using bright colours and patterns (see the ideas below)
Here are some physical activities that you could complete at home
Activity 1: (This will open on here)
Activity 2: (This will redirect you to Youtube)
Activity 3: (This will open on here)
Activity 4: If you have a garden, you could spend sometime out there. You could: catch and throw a ball (or a pair of socks if you don't have a ball), skip, play hopskotch and much more.
Have a look on this webiste for more ideas:
School year 2019 - 2020
17th July 2020
Well, it is now our last day in Class Marsden :-( It just doesn't feel like it though!
I have missed all the fuss of the last week in school; finishing off projects or work, cleaning out your trays, running round trying to find carrier bags to put school books in (for those who forget to bring one), watching a sneaky video and of course the end of year party.
When you are back in school in September I will come and see you all next door, if you are moving next door, to say hello and see how much you have grown!
I want to thank you and your grown ups for all the hard work you have done during lock down. Here is a little something for you to watch...
Follow this link for extra Science sessions linked to your child's year group!
As we fast approach the end of the school year, I want to create a 'SILLY SELFIE' photo montage, as a way to remember Class Marsden 2019-2020.
It is sad that we aren't together in school for the final few weeks, but I am hoping this challenge will cheer us all up and give us a giggle!
Your challenge is to take a selfie using a phone or tablet and then email it to me at
Your selfie can be funny and silly or it can be sensible, just like mine below I am hoping every child in class Marsden will do this
13th - 17th July 2020
We are continuing with the 'School' theme this week. Scroll down the page to find all the tasks to complete each day.
Don't forget to take a photo and send me any work you are proud of! If you are proud of it, I am proud of it!
Now, as it is our final week in Class Marsden, I am going to phone you all to have a little chat and say goodbye. I can't wait to speak to you!
Have a wonderful week!
Take Care,
Mrs Swire
Monday 13th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Thursday 16th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Friday 17th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
6th - 17th July 2020 (TWO WEEKS)
Our theme over the next two weeks links to this fabulous book: The Worst Class in the Wolrd by Joanna Nadin.
CLICK THE BOOK COVER to hear the author, Joanna Nadin, reading the opening text to you.
As usual, I will list all the activities day by day on the webpage and you just need to scroll down the page to find the tasks you need for that day.
Lots of the tasks over the next two weeks link to you as a learner. They will help you to think about the move from one class to the next or one year group to the next.
Maths will be the same with daily lessons to download and work through. Also, continue with your Fluent in Five mental maths every day.
P.S. Don't forget to send me your 'silly selfie' so I can make a class montage (see the challenge above).
Have a great two weeks!
Mrs Swire
Monday 6th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Thursday 9th July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Friday 10th July 2020
Fun Task 10 Things in a Teacher's Pocket
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
29th June - 3rd July 2020
This week our home learning theme is 'Dragons'
As usual, you will find all the documents you need below - just scroll down to the correct day.
There are some extra dragon tasks here too: More Dragon Fun!
Plus you can draw your own dragon! Click this image:
** Year 4 are revising multiplication and division this week. Year 3, you have three days revising addition and subtraction then two days on multiplication and division.
Have a super week and don't forget to send me work you are proud of!
Mrs Swire
Monday 29th June 2020
Weekly Theme - Dragons **You will need to open this link each day to remind you of your tasks.
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Friday 3rd July 2020
Science Experiment (Very small writing)
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Click to go to the webiste
22nd - 26th June 2020
This week our home learning theme is 'Bees' and you will learn all about different types of bees!
I am so passionate about protecting bees that I have made a bee garden during Lock down. I will send you a photo of it!
As usual, you will find all the documents you need below - just scroll down to the correct day.
** Year 4 are revising multiplication and division this week. Year 3, you are still revising addition and subtraction.
Have a super week and don't forget to send me work you are proud of!
Mrs Swire
Monday 22nd June 2020
Weekly Theme - Bees **You may need to open this link each day to remind you of your tasks.
All About Bees Core Text **You made need to read this story on other days too
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Thursday 25th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
Friday 26th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Multiplication and Division Year 4
15th - 19th June 2020
This week our home learning theme is 'Houses' and our text is Hansel and Gretel.
You will find all the documents you need below. Have a great week!
Mrs Swire
Monday 15th June 2020
Weekly Theme - Houses **You may need to open this link each day to remind you of your tasks.
Hansel and Gretel Story **You made need to read this story on other days too
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Thursday 18th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Friday 19th June 2020
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 3
Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 4