Physical Education (PE)

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Physical Education develops a child’s knowledge, skill and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. A broad and rich curriculum is in place to support this, through the teaching of: dance, athletics, gymnastics, games, swimming and water safety and outdoor adventure activities.

At St Philip’s, our school vision and values are central to all P.E lessons and we support our children to follow G.R.A.C.E

uide our children to prepare them for life;

Respect themselves and one another;

Aspire to acheive their highest potential;

Care for the local and wider community;

Every child is special in God's eyes.

Our core Christian values will remain through competitive sports, both in and outside of school, where teams will be built on respect, resilience and fairness.

Physical education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills and promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. We inspire our children to become independent through problem solving and in their choices for an active lifestyle in the future.


Through the teaching of PE, St. Philip’s intends to:

  • Enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and co-ordination.
  • Encourage children to work and play with others in a range of group situations.
  • Develop the way children perform skills and apply rules and conventions for different activities.
  • Show children how to improve the quality and control of their performance.
  • Teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise.
  • Develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination.
  • Develop confident, self-motivated children who want to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Assess pupils learning, analyse and interpret the results to inform future planning and lessons.



All pupils from Year 1 to 6 have at least 2 hours’ worth of planned physical exercise each week. Our Reception class also have an additional 1 hour of physical education each week in which the 5 fundamental skills are developed. Each topic area is covered throughout the year on a half termly basis. We follow the PE Passport scheme of work to ensure clear progression throughout school. Cross curricular links are made where appropriate. 

Pupils from Reception to Year 6 also have the opportunity for physical activity during morning and lunchtime breaks on the school yards, where they can access resources from their key stage shed. Staff and Sports Ambassadors (trained pupils from Reception to Year 6) are on duty to co-ordinate, support and develop leadership skills in a range of active playground games. Our aim is to inspire children to be the best they can be and reach their full potential.

Pupils in Year 3,4,5 (Classes Marsden and Towneley) attend a 1 hour weekly swimming lesson at Wavelengths swimming pool. The aim is to ensure each child can swim 25m by end of this year and progress is tracked throughout the 5 stages. Booster sessions for children who have not yet met the standards are allocated in the summer term of Year 6.

Year 6 have an annual residential trip during the summer term in which they undertake a series of outdoor and adventurous activities that are both physical and challenging and encourage team building.  

During the Summer term, a whole school Sports Day is held that covers fundamental movement skills, technical development and participation through a range of sporting activities. Our parents are actively involved within the day and join us at Seedhill to support the children.   

At St. Philip’s we support and work closely with community initiatives such as BFCitC, Pendleside Hospice and Burnley Community Kitchen as well as taking part in national fundraising events.

Inter-house competitions take place through the year in KS1 and KS2, where a different sport or area of the curriculum is the focus of the competition. We also have a school football team (boys and mixed) and netball team who take part in intra-school competitive sport competitions. When needed, sports professionals are brought in to deliver P.E sessions and after school clubs for the children. Teachers also run a sports lunchtime and afterschool club for KS2 and a multi- skills after school club for KS1.



In all classes, children have a wide range of physical ability and through this, we provide suitable learning opportunities that enables every child to succeed and reach their full potential. Teachers match the challenge of the task to the ability of the child and in doing so, raise pupil’s health and fitness levels, improve technical skills and develop pupil’s resilience, teamwork and perseverance (school values). Children who demonstrate sporting skill are signposted to the best sporting clubs for them. The use of rigorous assessment, monitoring, and questionnaires (pupils, parents and staff) and pupil voice will ensure that the delivery of high quality lessons and the confidence in the teaching of PE improves and as a result, the enjoyment and positive outcomes increases. This will also ensure that all pupils make good progress, from their starting points.

Teachers continually use assessment of the children’s responses and the work they produce to measure impact. The subject leader plays an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular program of monitoring, evaluation and review. This includes learning walks and lesson observations to measure the impact on learning and progress. The subject leader and senior leadership team (in consultation with staff and children) regularly review and renew the P.E. curriculum to ensure all elements are fit for purpose. Governors play an active part in measuring the impact of the curriculum and feedback to the subject leader and senior leadership team in order to challenge and support, helping shape the intent and implementation of the curriculum on offer at St. Philip’s.

Take a look at some of our amazing gymnasts in Year 1 and Year 2, developing their skills, teamwork and peer coaching.


Why is PE so important?

Here are 10 reasons why PE is invaluable and extremely important at St Philip's:

  1. Children who keep active and play sports are better able to concentrate and maintain focus, which has a positive impact on their academic life. This can lead to improved attainment in all other academic subjects.
  2. Regular exercise is vital in the fight against child obesity. We all know the many health problems that are associated with obesity and how important it is to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Positive exercise habits that are implemented in childhood will likely continue into adulthood.
  3. Children who exercise regularly have a better quality of sleep. They are therefore more alert at school and have higher levels of concentration.
  4. Physical exercise helps children relieve stress and anxiety. Young people today are arguably under more pressure than ever, so it is vital for them to have an outlet for this stress.
  5. Playing sports in groups help young people to improve their teamwork and leadership skills. It also helps to form stronger bonds between peers and promotes a healthy class dynamic.
  6. Physical activity helps to increase the heart rate and helps to build a stronger heartbones and healthier muscles.
  7. Sports teaches children to have improved self discipline. They can implement this self control in all aspects of their life, from better controlling their emotions to being more self motivated with their studies.
  8. PE helps children to develop their confidence. This can have a positive aspect on all areas of their life, such as their personal relationships and ability to integrate quickly and make friends, to thinking about their future goals.
  9. Sport helps children develop their motor skills and strengthen their muscles. When fine motor skills are developed, children will be more adept at handwriting or playing a musical instrument.
  10.  Regular games and sports can have a positive impact on behaviour in school and outside of school. 

Finally, one extra reason...

It's so much FUN!

Please click to explore PE Passport (HERE)

PE Long Term PLan 2022-2023

PE Long Term Plan 2021 - 2022


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Nelson St Philip's CE Primary School

Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 9TQ

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T: 01282 614463


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