Eco Council

Welcome to our Eco Council page

Our school Eco Council is run by Mrs Romanska and Mrs Swire.

We meet every half term to discuss current and school issues.

We will try to keep you up-to-date with news on here! Happy reading! 


Look at some of our projects below:

Switch Off Fortnight  

Every year we take part in the Switch off Fortnight event.   It is a good time to remind the staff, the children and family members at home about the importance of saving energy!  


Design a logo competition

Zayna was our lucky winner of the Eco Council logo competition.  Mrs Hartley and Mrs Harvey in the office picked the winning design.  They liked Zayna's design as they believed it represented everything our Eco Council stands for.  We fully agreed! Here is the winning logo! 


The Whole school enjoyed the Great British Spring Clean, with our School Council and Mrs Mahmood. It was once again a huge success and a very messy car park in Nelson was once again litter free! Well done all involved! 

The Great British Spring Clean is a campaign with a simple aim: to bring people across the country together to clear up the litter that blights our towns, villages, countryside and beaches. 


We carried out an audit of waste bins in each classroom. We noticed that some classes had a paper only bin and a non-recycling bin but others didn't. We also noticed that the bins were not being used as they should and waste was being mixed.  We thought it would be a good idea to get special recycling bins for each classroom but these cost a lot of money. 

We held a tea and cake morning and raised enough money to buy recycling bins for each class.  Well done Eco Council! 

Find Us

Nelson St Philip's CE Primary School

Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 9TQ

School Bursar

T: 01282 614463


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