Pendle: Gallery
Cook and Share November, by Mrs Swire
Fieldwork trip to Walverden Park 2023-24, by Miss Peel
Stories Jesus Heard, by Mrs Swire
Christmas Fun, by Mrs Swire
Snowfun, by Mrs Swire
3D sculptures, by Mrs Swire
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Swire
Children in Need Fundraising Day, by Mrs Swire
Tree planting with the Mayor of Pendle, by Mrs Macdonald
Finger painting, by Mrs Swire
Moving Pictures DT Year 1, by Mrs Swire
Growing our own!, by Mrs Swire
Baking bread - where does our food come from?, by Mrs Swire
Prayers for Harvest by Year 1, by Mrs Swire
Fabulous phonics in EYFS, by Mrs Swire
Parachute fun in EYFS, by Mrs Swire
Remembering Our Wonderful Queen, by Mrs Swire
What a great start!, by Mrs Swire
Our First School Dinner, by Mrs Swire
Christmas Production 2021 Let's Party!, by Mrs Swire
W.B 05.10.20 Reception's pattern making., by Miss Nuttall
Autumn 1 Celebrating Harvest, by Miss Nuttall
Autumn 1 That's Unbeleafable!!, by Miss Nuttall
Our Home Learning Gallery, by Miss Nuttall
Zoo Lab Came to Visit, by Miss Nuttall