Barley Home Learning Blog

Date: 16th Jun 2020 @ 11:11pm

Barley Home Learning Blog

2020-21 Home learning

w.c 16.11.20

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all keeping safe and well during your isolation period. Firstly, I'd just like to say how proud I am of you all for continuing to work so hard at home. I know it must seem very strange not being in school again without all of your friends and teachers. We are missing you very much. Here are some pictures of your home learning that have been sent in by your parents. Please continue to send in your work so I can add it to our webpage.

I can't wait to see you all on Monday morning!

Stay safe and keep smiling. 


Miss Peel



2019-20 Home learning

17th July 2020


Good morning everybody. Well...the final day of the school year has arrived and what a year it has been! Firstly, I'd like to say how proud I am of you all. You have worked incredibly hard over the year, in school and throughout the period of lockdown, where you have been continuing your learning from home. It has been a privilege to teach you all this year and I am very sorry that we couldn't share our last days together in Class Barley, but we will all celebrate when you arrive back in September. 

Enjoy your summer holidays and I can't wait to see you all soon!

Take care and God bless you all.

Miss Peel 



30th June 2020

Hello everybody! I hope that you are all keeping safe and well. I cannot believe that it is the 1st July tomorrow. Where has the time gone this year?! I am so proud of you all for continuing to work hard at home with your home learning. School is just not the same without you all there. Sahil has sent some wonderful pictures in this week of his homemade fruit smoothies (I have uploaded a picture below). They looked sooo delicious that I decided to make one for myself this morning. I put in a banana, some strawberries and blueberries. What a healthy breakfast!

I would love to hear from you on our class blog so please try to make a comment with the help of your parents. 

Take care,

Miss Peel 


Sahil's smoothie

16th June 2020

This week we have moved over to our new school website - how exciting! I hope that you all like it? I am still trying out new things on here, so I thought that I'd start up our own class blog!

Our home learning theme this week is based on one of our previous authors that we have studied this year-Anthony Browne. In class, we enjoyed reading the stories of 'Zoo' and 'The Tunnel' so I hope that you enjoy reading some of his other stories too. I understand that it can sometimes be difficult to complete all of the tasks so please just continue to try your best at home with your learning and if you would like to change some the activities or have your own ideas, then please feel free to do this. 

I have loved reading your work that your parents have been sending in and I am missing you all very much in Class Barley. I hope that you are all keeping safe and well.

Enjoy the rest of your week. Please make a comment and add to our class blog with the help of your parents.

Take care,

Miss Peel 


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