Class Pendle's Blog

Date: 10th Sep 2020 @ 8:36pm

Summer Term 2021

Hello Everyone!,

I am very much looking forward to spending a full term in school with you all. We have lots of learning to look forward to. In English we are looking at Winnie the Pooh (he was my favourite character as a little girl). We are going to be getting busy in Design Technology, designing, making and evaluating our very own fruit kebabs. In History we are going to be learning all about the Towneley Family from burnley, hopefully we will even be able to visit Towneley Hall and Park ( fingers crossed). How exciting would that be !!!

To find out what else we are getting up to, have a look at our Summer 1 Curriculum map below.

Spring Term 2021

This half term in art we are looking at the Artist Arcimboldo.  He is famous for creating portraits by using different fruit, vegetables, fish, and flowers to represent different body parts. Below is one of his most famous paintings.

During our remote learning children have been creating collages using different objects to create portraits in the style of Arcimboldo. Here are a few examples...


I can only speak for myself but I think they are AMAZING !!

Keep up the good work everyone!



Welcome back Class Pendle - It's 2021!  I hope your had a relaxing holiday and are ready to tackle 2021, no matter what happens. We have some fabulous topics to learn this half term - see our overview below: 



Monday 23rd November

Hello again,

Firstly, I would just like to say a big thankyou to all of the parents who took the time to speak to me on parent's evening. It is lovely to get to know all of you a little better. Remember if you ever need my help  or have any questions you can always email me on

Last week, we continued to look at the story 'Zog'. Unfortrunately he hasn't replied to our questions yet. But, I am sure his letter is just lost in the post!  We are really enjoying our story and think that Princess Pearl is such a helpful little girl.  This week we are going to be looking at changing the ending of the story as we really want to know where Princess Pearl and the knight went on their travels. 

Year 1 have been very succesfful with being historical detectives. They found out that the suitcase belonged to an evacuee who moved to the countryside to stay safe in the war. They considered how it would feel to be an evacuee and wrote a postcard home to their family. Their postccards were amazing. I shall post a picture of Alizah's postcard below. She really understood what it would be like to be an evacuee and her writing has progressed so much. She made me very proud!

Stay safe and seen you soon, 

Miss Nuttall.

Monday 16th November 

Good Afternoon,

I cannot believe we have been back at school a week already!

We have done so many things since we returned to shcool. In English we have been creating bonfire poems and learning about fire saefty.  I have been very impressed with the progress we have been making in writing. This week in English we are have started a new story,  ZOG. He has even sent us a letter and video. We have been writing lots of questions for him. We are hoping he sends us another video to answer them. 

Last week in History Year 1 began to look at WW2. We have been being historical detectives trying to work out who the small suitcase belongs too. We think it is a child!  We cant wait to find out who it is!

In RE we have continued to look at how our life, is different too Jesus' life. The children really enjoyed using Google Earth to travel from Nelson to Jeruselum, so that we could compare our houses to the types of houses Jesus lived in.

We look forward to keeping you updated in the coming weeks. 

Stay safe and see you soon,

Miss Nuttall 

Friday 16th October 

This week we have been writing our own innovated stories of Harry the Happy Mouse. The children produced some fantastic work.

In RE this week we have started our new topic 'My World, Jesus' World' We  are going to comparing our lvies to Jesus' life. We will be comparing, clothes, food, houses and how we travel around.  This week we focused on Jesus' clothes. Some of the children even got to dress up. We learnt that Jesus didn't have a coat and that he would have probably worn sandals or walked round in bare feet. 

In History the children have been busy making swords and sheilds for our History topic 'Castles'. They have really enjoyed this unit of work. I am sure they really enjoy building their own castle next half term in DT.

Monday 5th October 

Last week we continued looking at the story Harry the Happy Mouse. The children are enjoying finding out about his adventures and who he meets on his walk. We have been focusing on looking at how characters feel. Reception even tried some drama activities, I think we could have some future actors in our class.

In Maths Reception have been looking at making patters. We have made patterns with cubes, theading beans and by printing 3D shapes. The children have made losts of progress, which is amazing to see!

The Year 1's have been busy also. 

In Science we have been looking at plants. As we cannot go to the park at the moment,  we brought the park to the children. The children went on a leaf hunt to find different types of trees. Afterwards they ordganised the leaves into 2 piles ( evergreen and decidious).  They had an unbe-leaf-able time! 

In Art the year 1's have begun to explore texture. The children went on a texture hunt around school, making rubbings of surfaces that are smooth, lumpy and rough. Afterwards they made thier very own texture mat, trying to include all of the textures that we had explored. 


Remember to have a look at our class Gallery for more pictures!

See you soon

Miss Nuttall 


Monday 28th September

Last week we had a fanatstic week of learning.

In English we began looking at our story  Harry the Happy Mouse. So far we are enjoying reading the story and are so excited to find out what is going to happen next! Who will he meet!.


In RE last week we began looking at the Jewish Harvest festival Sukkot. In groups we made our own Sukka's. Reception used our den building kit to make a Sukka outside, white Year 1 made a Sukka from show boxes, papers and sticks.

Stay safe and see you soon !


Monday 21st September 2020

Last week our Reception children enjoyed their first full week in class Pendle. They were amazing and have settled in beautifully. 

In English we have started looking at Poetry and rhyming words, our focus poem is 'Hickory Dickory Dock'. The children have enjoyed learning the poem and performing it with actions. Our focus this week is to identify words that rhyme and to continue a rhyming string so that we can write our own peom. 

As we have settled in more we are beginning to learn about Plants (Science) ,Castles (History)  and all about our families (PSHE).  

Remember to keep up to date with our Gallery  to see what else we have been up to.

Stay safe and See you soon,

Miss Nuttall


Friday 11th September 2020


I cannot believe our first week is already over. Our Reception children have been joining us in the afternoons. They are settling in beautifully and have been busy painting, building, playing and making friends.

Our Year 1 children have been working incredibly hard and are getting use to the challenges of Year 1. In the mornings they have been subtracting numbers and looking at the story 'The Black Hat' by Mia Walczak. In the afternoons they have been learning about the plants, the artist Andrew Goldsworthy and the harvest. We have even planted our own beans and harvested our school vegetable plot. 


I am so excited to continue our learning journey this year!

Miss Nuttall 


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Nelson St Philip's CE Primary School

Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 9TQ

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T: 01282 614463


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